Imbuing the rock at the top of the weapon will allow some marvelous effects. They are a stick with a glorious gem tied to its end. They will invigorate your magical energy allowing you to near-endlessly cast spells. Until you imbue it, staves are more than just a fancy bo-staff. A claymore can be handled like a proper highlander. The weapon itself will become lighter and easier to wield. The weapon’s weight is where the benefit lies. Gravity is different hitting an enemy will do nothing but make them float a bit on death. While charging a spell, you can hold the forming orb against the blade of your weapon to imbue it with that power.įire or Electricity will cause each weapon’s strike to push the coinciding damage debuff at impact. We couldn’t have that ampersand in the title if we couldn’t combine the two! Thankfully, we can! Magical enhancement is an ancient practice, refined since the first blacksmith got a little overzealous in the praising stage of their new weapon. While holding the enemy, pressing the trigger will bring them closer, while the bottom face button will push them away. Naughty students go off the time-out cliff.įrom a medium-range, you will be able to grab enemies by their neck or limbs while pressing the grip button when a reticle appears over the intended area. To be a good soldier, you will need to defend yourself! Don’t worry, though I consider an excellent defense to include a good offense. Much less when taking them up rather than down. It is, honestly, shameful of a warrior to lose to stairs. Your enemy has trouble with stairs, and I see to it my students don’t. Oh no! Our instructor wants to talk about blocking in the ‘stabby slashy fireball!’ game! Get back here, or we’ll rerun the stair drills. Keep health potions around to keep your health up.Both the Update version and marketplace version. Only Use mods for your version of Blade and Sorcery.In u10, only Grasslands has an available dungeon mode.Angle your weapon perpendicular to your enemy’s to parry it.So long as you catch the back of their knee. Two-handed weapons are good for tripping.A dagger fits nicely into an iron helmet’s eye gap.From the Blade and Sorcery option in your library, hit play and select the ‘Launch Blade & Sorcery in Steam VR mode’ option before hitting play.

If you are using B&S through Virtual Desktop or Oculus Airlink and are experiencing game fidelity issues, try opening up Steam on your PC but NOT SteamVR.I’ve kidnapped you to teach you a VR game before, haven’t I? Bottom Line Up Front